
About Abortion...

Abortion is the act of ending a pregnancy. It is induced when a woman voluntarily decides that she does not want to have the baby or when a doctor performs the operation to terminate it. Abortion is sinful and wicked because it results in death due to poison. The child dies as it becomes poisoned by the mother's body and its life ends there, while she will live on with her sin. Abortion is mind-control as women may be pressured into doing what they don't want to do and are being coerced into having an abortion that they feel uncomfortable about. It removes God from their lives, as well as takes away any opportunity for them to make better choices for themselves. Top 5 Alternatives To Abortion The other day, I had a conversation with my sister-in-law. As we were chatting with her, we found out that she was pregnant. When the topic of abortion came up she adamantly opposed it and shared some alternatives to abortion. Here is a list of the top alternatives to abortion in no partic...

I used to be a girl, A poem

I used to be a girl I would dance and twirl but I knew I was wicked and Jesus could fix it Now I'm a woman Ive learned so much Im going to heaven Where I'll forever have lunch - By Laura Call the blessings line for your deliverance today.

You CAN Buy Prayers!

The Bible is a book that has been used for centuries to help people find peace and comfort. It is also a book that has been used to help people find guidance. There are many different ways to use the Bible, but one of the most common ways is to pray. Prayer can be done in many different ways, but one of the most popular ways is through buying prayers from a church or religious institution. This can be done by donating money or by purchasing prayer cards. The idea behind this is that when someone buys prayers they are giving back to their community and helping others in need. My prayers are compassionate and high quality, and I have worked for 65 years on my relationship with The Lord. The enemy tells you we are all scammers. But praying is my passion and career- you won't find a truer prayer than a prayer from Laura Burke, The Prayer Lady.

Tomi Lahren Is The Perfect Wife- Will She Marry?

 When she's not busy lighting up the internet with her fiery opinions, Tomi Lahren has been hinting to her fans that she is ready to walk down the aisle. However, there are those who think that Tomi may not be ready to settle down. Tomi Lahren has managed to do what many people thought impossible: become a talking head for a network without any college degree. She rose quickly in popularity for her fiery political opinions on TheBlaze and then moved on to Fox News. She's even written a book about her life entitled "No Apologies." In an interview with People magazine, Tomi revealed that she would like to have six children with the right guy and while it may seem like a contradiction that an outspoken conservative woman might have such liberal views on family planning.Right now, Tomi Lahren is one of the hottest names in politics. She has made a name for herself with her outspoken views on issues and that Fox News interview that she did with President Obama. Surprisingl...

Miley Cyrus; Is She Really Evil?

Please say a prayer after viewing as the image above may be demonic. Miley Cyrus is a controversial figure in the media. She has been labeled as the devil and Satan himself. This is because she has been seen twerking and dancing in a provocative manner. The truth is that Miley Cyrus is not evil, but she does have a dark side. She was born into a Christian family and her father was a preacher. However, she started to rebel against her parents when she became famous at the age of 15. The devil is using her to mislead our girls from being ladies to being concubines. We must all pray for Miley Cyrus.. for she knows not what she's doing.  The Church has always been a place to go for guidance and support. But when it comes to the media, the Church has a lot of work to do. Miley Cyrus is one of the most popular pop stars in the world and she's only 20 years old. She's also one of the most controversial celebrities in recent memory. Her music videos are often filled with sexual con...

Jesus Is Coming, Prepare

I hope this post finds you well. We want to remind you of the approaching day of Christ’s return. According to the book of Revelation, it is soon. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. Therefore encourage each The coming of Jesus is near! We are welcoming this coming as it will take us to the Kingdom of Heaven where we shall live in peace. To prepare yourselves for this event, I am offering 50% discount on all prayers until next Friday. It is our duty to spread the word and bring as many souls as we can to the Kingdom of God. To help you with this, I am also offering a series of articles and videos teaching you about prayer. PRAY TO GOD FOR HE...

Lady Gaga, The Devils Concubine

I am extremely worried that Lady Gaga is leading all of us away from Christianity. Her music videos have hidden messages in them, as well as her going to a spirit cooking dinner as well. I believe this will influence our youth and make them think these are acceptable things to do, and they'll be doomed for eternity. I implore you to please not listen to these songs or watch these music videos! I hope that you can help me spread the word about this danger! The video "Telephone" is a satanic ritual to enslave the nation and it appears she is not just going for fame, she wants power. This can't be allowed. I had a dream about this very thing last night and I knew it was from God. That's who talks to us in dreams. This is what we must do to stop her: pray, get others to pray and then join me in boycotting all things Lady Gaga. This can't be allowed.