Miley Cyrus; Is She Really Evil?
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Miley Cyrus is a controversial figure in the media. She has been labeled as the devil and Satan himself. This is because she has been seen twerking and dancing in a provocative manner.The truth is that Miley Cyrus is not evil, but she does have a dark side. She was born into a Christian family and her father was a preacher. However, she started to rebel against her parents when she became famous at the age of 15.
The devil is using her to mislead our girls from being ladies to being concubines. We must all pray for Miley Cyrus.. for she knows not what she's doing.
The Church has always been a place to go for guidance and support. But when it comes to the media, the Church has a lot of work to do. Miley Cyrus is one of the most popular pop stars in the world and she's only 20 years old. She's also one of the most controversial celebrities in recent memory. Her music videos are often filled with sexual content and her lyrics are often sexually explicit as well. It's not just Miley Cyrus either; trash TV is everywhere these days, from reality TV shows like Jersey Shore to sitcoms like The Big Bang Theory. Girls are watching this stuff and it's affecting them in ways that we don't even know about yet because there hasn't been enough research
Churches have been raping children