Trolls Of The Week (Warning Vile Language)

The trolls of the week are the most sin-like and atrocious people on social media. They are not funny, amusing or hilarious. They just make you want to throw up in your mouth when you see their pictures and posts.

The trolls of the week are actually a lot more sinister than they appear to be on social media. Their posts have been known to cause harm, spread hate, and even encourage violence towards people who don't share their views.

I hope you will join me in prayer for this week's trolls. They know not what they do. Let's call upon Jesus to fix them!

Prayer is an important aspect of our lives, and it is a great way to connect with God. It can be done in many different ways, such as through reading the Bible or praying out loud. Prayer can also be done by sending up a short silent prayer for those who are struggling with something.


  1. I can not believe some people would troll a fellow warrior of god. To teach them a lesson we need to pee in their mouths, and chant prayers at them while we drown their daughters in a lake. God warriors rise!

  2. I didn’t make it this week 😭 oh well there’s always next week ig


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