You CAN Buy Prayers!

The Bible is a book that has been used for centuries to help people find peace and comfort. It is also a book that has been used to help people find guidance. There are many different ways to use the Bible, but one of the most common ways is to pray.

Prayer can be done in many different ways, but one of the most popular ways is through buying prayers from a church or religious institution. This can be done by donating money or by purchasing prayer cards. The idea behind this is that when someone buys prayers they are giving back to their community and helping others in need.

My prayers are compassionate and high quality, and I have worked for 65 years on my relationship with The Lord. The enemy tells you we are all scammers. But praying is my passion and career- you won't find a truer prayer than a prayer from Laura Burke, The Prayer Lady.


  1. Turning peoples faith into your profit, you are no better then the anti christ


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