Why I DON"T Use Facebook: Evil In Disguise

Social media is a danger to us because it gives access to the enemy. 

Social media has become a vital part of everyday life for many people and organizations. It has evolved from a way of connecting with friends and family to being a powerful marketing tool and an effective way to communicate with customers, but it also comes with increased risk related to privacy, security, and distraction.

Social media platforms are often described as "media" such as television, radio, magazines and newspapers because they offer content that can be read, watched or listened to in the same way.

The social media platforms are free for everyone to use and there are no limitations on who can join them or what they can post on their profiles.

The Best Alternative To Facebook

The only "book" I need to put my "face" in is the Holy Bible.
For more than two thousand years, people have turned to the Bible to find strength and direction. In a world where the written word has been replaced by Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram posts, people are turning back to ancient texts.

If you’re looking for a good read but want something more than just the latest bestseller or a trashy romance novel, look toward the Bible. It is full of wisdom that has existed for centuries. The Bible isn’t just applicable in your personal life; it can help guide your career as well.


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