Drag Queens Are Not Queens At All


Have you seen the new show called “Drag Race”? It has become a phenomenon. It is all about men in dresses and women congratulating them for it. I have seen some of the episodes and I just cannot believe what I am seeing. The drag queens are so ugly! They are all hideous ogres, and they make fun of men who refuse to wear a dress. In my opinion, God does not like drag queens. If you are Christian, please pray for me because I really worry about the future of this country if we cannot teach our children right from wrong.

I don't know why my daughter is thinking of hanging out with those hideous, disgusting drag queens. They're just a bunch of pathetic, filthy men who only care about wearing as many dresses as possible. Not only are all these people hideous ogres, but even worse, they make fun of men who refuse to wear a dress. I can't believe that you would be in support of this type of degenerate behavior after all the good I did for you when we dated. In my opinion, God does not like drag queens and neither should you. Last time I checked, there are plenty of better people to spend your time with than those uglies in the video.


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