You Can't Make Me Be A Lesbian: Gay Peer Pressure
I am disgusted by the way this world has gone to the dogs! The wicked left is corrupting society, and I refuse to be a lesbian. I'm tired of being told to have sex with other women. My life is right, and I choose to live in that bubble. Healing from lesbianism was a grueling experience, and I don't want to go through that again. It's so dumb how liberals want to force me into being lesbian when I'm straight. Fake news media is destroying society! I just wanted to share my story with you and tell the world about how I had to heal from being a lesbian. I'm taking back America from the Left who has been trying to force me into a lifestyle of "LGBT" and "Diversity". It took years to heal from being a lesbian and partaking in the wicked life. If it wasn't for fake news media and the Conservative movement, I would have never found my way out of this sick world. Thanks to them, I am now living my life as a straight woman. It is scary to think that p...