Ask The Prayer Lady: "Does God Dislike Pajamas?"

Hi there everyone,

I am so excited to learn more about you and your life! I'm starting a new blog series called "Ask The Prayer Lady" where I'll answer questions sent to me by email. I would love to hear from you and get your thoughts on some of the topics that interest you.

Please send your question to me by email, and I will do my best to answer it.

Our first question comes from a voicemail from a woman named Heather on the prayer line. She wanted to know if wearing pajama pants is a choice that honors The Lord. (There are NO SILLY QUESTIONS!)

Send your questions to with the subject "Ask The Prayer Lady"

"...I have a question about what I should wear at home. What do you think is appropriate to wear when one is not in public? I'm thinking of wearing my pajama pants and a t-shirt, but I just want to make sure that it's okay. I don't want to go against what God wants me to do. What would you advise? Are there any pajama dresses that you might recommend?..."

This is a really tough question to answer, but I'll do my best.

I think it would depend on why you are wearing pajama pants. If you are wearing them because you are lazy, then I would say no. Wearing pajama pants is not a good choice because it brings attention to the fact that you're lazy and you don't care how you look to others.

If, on the other hand, you have a medical condition that makes it difficult to wear a dress you may want to look into a modest pant. Maybe one that is pink and has womanly colors or flowers.

I know when I visit the grocery store with my kids, I love to wear my jeans and a T-shirt with my hair in a bun. But then I feel guilty because of what I present to the Lord. As women we have a responsibility – not only that if we are moving his message forward in this way we have so much more power with him saying the right things at all times. We need to be careful that.

Are you considering wearing pajamas while talking with friends and thus ‘sinning’? It is an offense to God, because you are not honoring Him in public. However, if you are at home alone, (Or your husband) there is no disgrace -- it's just an innocent piece of cloth between your body and clothes. We ask that as long as you are mindful of the difference between the two, you don't wear pajamas when going about life in public. The same risqué attitude exists even in t-shirts without sleeves or shorts without waistbands which have no modesty at all!

Hi Heather,

Thank you for your question! I'm sorry if I did not do a good job of answering. I hope that my answer enlightened you on the Lord and that He is present in your life. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me anytime. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon and please don't hesitate to let me know if there is anything else I can help with.


  1. Is it crack or meth you take?

    1. Obviously, crack is the most Godly choice as it brings me closer to Jesus whose bones were cracked as he was nailed to the cross. Meth is for Judases.

  2. Why was my comment deleted? All I said was I’m going to drink several offerings of the blood of Christ tonight…

  3. I’d like to know why God hates lizard children. I have a lizard child and I’ve been told by God Himself that he is going to Hell, but it is not his fault he is part lizard. It was a gene-splicing accident that resulted in his abominable condition. What does God have against lizard children, anyway? Is it because of the lizard’s connection to the serpent? Is it because of the Satanic reptilian overlords in control of our galaxy? But he isn’t even of the same species as them!

    1. Maybe it’s because he wears pjs in public. That’s just lazy according to prayer lady!

  4. My little Tommy likes to play with Barbie’s instead of cars. He’s 5 years old. Why is that such a big deal? He’s a toddler!! His father left us a couple years ago because he found himself a younger and prettier woman. He emptied our bank account and left us homeless! All we had were the clothes on our backs and an old beat down house left by my late grandmother! The windows were blown out, toilet didn’t work, and it was so cold! I even tried to fix the windows with tape, but the wind blew the tape away. Anyway, he is now a she and goes by Tina. I’m so proud of her!

    1. It okay for Tina to play with Barbie but remember, no pants or gay underwear.

  5. I want to know if my underwear is too gay. Ever since I got pantsed but a jerk of a kid during a church service and people saw my boxer briefs, I’ve been banished by my church. They wouldn’t give me a reason, but I suspect it’s my underwear. Is it the curvaceous nature of it? Should my underwear be more angular so as to showcase the sharpness of masculinity? Perhaps it’s the color as well. During that service my underwear was beige. Perhaps black or Christ-blood red would be more ideal. I’m thinking I might make my own line of spiky Christ-blood red boxer briefs for myself and my straight Christ-kissing boyfriends.

    1. Go see through. Jesus will love you more.

  6. Am I going to hell because I sleep naked?

  7. Laura, I am disappointed in you. God LOVES pajamas. The reason is because he spent a lot of time helping us humans to create the best pajamas of any of his creations on any planet in order to follow his will better. He actually thinks his best creation is red silky pajamas with feathers and Swarovski crystals attached that also have some spikes on them. They are his favorite because they look super nice BUT they are extremely uncomfortable and hot and itchy to sleep in, which is GOOD because SLEEP is what is SINFUL AND LAZY.

  8. Why did Timmy fall down the well so much? Was Lassie pushing him? So many questions. I hope you have answers. Some people are saying youse a troll sent by the Devel vut I think you real! Anyways, where can I find the song "I'm gay" on the radio?

  9. Wear the fucking pajamas, who cares? You are an adult and you don’t need permission from others 😂😂😂

  10. you're so wrong for saying dumb stuff like this. i dont ever see you even try to quote the bible. youre pulling this stuff out of your ass. jesus never said anything about pajamas. not once. and if you think he did, show me the exact verse where he says so. God will punish you for spreading lies about him

  11. Where is Connie?

    1. We must find the gain! Then we will find Connie!

    2. Praise all-mighty gain!

  12. I want to tell you a story about how my life got turned upside down. I was raised in west Philadelphia. I was a typical kid, and loved to play basketball in my school yard. However, some people, misguided perhaps, started causing trouble and being ungodly in my neighborhood. After I got into a fight, my mom panicked, and wanted me to live with my aunt and uncle in California. After traveling all day, I arrived around 7-8 pm. As I exited the unpleasant smelling cab, I finally arrived in a peaceful, Christian neighborhood called Bel-Air, where I honored god.

  13. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

  14. What verse in the bible says that god hates pyjamas?

    1. Apparently some wise men wore them to the birth of Jesus… some people, man..

  15. Pants got me pregananate, she speaks the truth! It is a sin to wear pants and GOD FORBID: Be comfortable!! Endure

  16. Laura. You are mentally ill. Seek help.


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