
Showing posts from June, 2022

The 5 Most Sinful Clothes

Sinful clothing is not a one-time event. It's for life. We are here to help you with this journey by giving you a list of the top 5 most sinful clothing items that women wear. These items include: womens pants, fishnet stockings, "booty" shorts, spandex leggings, and Gay underwear. These garments are made to corrupt the souls of our young women and men and tempt them into sinning against God. We urge you to renounce your sins and move away from these items before it's too late. Womens Pants God created women to be modest in his holy word. "Dress modestly and sensibly in clothes that are modest, not tight, and do not emphasize the shape of the body." (1 Timothy 2:9) When a woman wears pants, this is the opposite of being modest. The clothing does not cover her legs properly and it shows more skin. "A woman should dress with moderation, for she is admired for her natural beauty even if she does not wear makeup or have any other advantages such as elegant ...

The Blessing Line Has Changed

I wanted to let all of you holy people know that my holy blessings line also known to send free words of wisdom weekly has changed.  The new number is:  (407) 972-5785

The Shade Rooms Wicked Agenda

The Shade Room is a blog that is known for posting pictures of celebrities and has been accused of publishing false information. The blog has been accused of using mind control to mislead our young people. The Shade Room may seem innocent, but it is actually a blog with a wicked agenda. It is a blog that has been used as a tool for the devil to manipulate young people. The blog posts are meant to mislead the readers and make them believe that it is okay to sin. The Shade Room is a blog that has been known for publishing controversial content, in order to tempt readers into sinning. The bloggers have even gone as far as to post pictures of celebrities without their permission and without any regard for what could happen next.  The Shade Room is a popular online gossip blog and social media account. Over the years, there has been a lot of speculation about its motive and what they do to their followers that makes it so enticing. One of the most popular theories is that they use manip...

Fishnet leggings and what they imply

  I was really troubled recently when I saw a woman wearing fishnet leggings. God doesn't like them. I'm writing to you because I want to know if you're going to allow your wife or daughter to wear these types of clothes? If not, I'd like to encourage you in your faith and help you get closer to God. I was blessed with the chance to witness for Jesus Christ and ask this woman about her salvation. Shortly after that, she changed clothes and went off in good spirits! Here are some verses from the Bible that support what I have said: "Women should dress themselves modest" I'm really tired of seeing girls in the mall with fishnet leggings on. I just want to help them understand that god doesn't like fishnets, and that it's not a good idea for a woman to wear something that goes halfway up her thighs. Girls who want to go to heaven should wear dresses or skirts that go below the knee. Please don't tell me about Jesus when I see you wearing your ...

The Truth About Tattoos

Many people don't know this, but tattoos are demonic. They are ungodly symbols of the devil and his kingdom, and they can lead us down the wrong path. People often get tattoos because they are seeking attention or feel like they lack self-worth, but it's so important to remember that we don't need tattoos to be valued in this world.  Do you know that your tattoos are actually a sign of being under the influence of satan himself and it’s possible to be delivered from them? You can contact our prayer line and they will pray for deliverance. We have many satisfied sinners who have been reborn by the power of Jesus Christ. Isn't it your time to renew your relationship with Christ and let Him heal your body?

Spreading The Gospel On Instagram

We have to be careful with what we say on social media. It is said that we should not post anything on social media that we wouldn't want the whole world to know. This is because everything we post on social media can be seen by anyone, even those who are not our friends or followers. I have been getting rude responses and it's just frustrating because I'm just trying to spread the word of Christ through my post comments. I've noticed that people do this for different reasons, some do it for attention, some do it for numbers, but I don't care about any of that. I commented on a young mans meme page, and he was cruel to me. I was just trying to save him. This is an example of how people will be cruel to others, just because they have the power to do so. The young man in this story is going through a tough time and needs help, but instead of reaching out for help he lashes out at the person who tried to help him. This is what happens when people are given too much pow...

We are "KAREN"

I wanted to share a story with you about the Karen agenda. Some people will tell you that it is a call for equality, but I think it's more than that. Check out this article to learn more and see what others are saying on the subject. ' We're all aware of the "Karen" slur that's been in use for many years now. Such an ugly term. But, today I wanted to remind you that "Karen" was once a beautiful name, and that it's not in our power to change its meaning. God knows his children are not "Karens." Rest assured, we're doing everything we can do combat this slanderous term by our mere existence as women of truth. We won't be silenced by the wicked. I'm just writing to share a little bit about my experience with Karen Imposter Syndrome. It's when you feel like you're a fake version of yourself that people see instead of your authentic self. I felt like I was a 'Karen' because I felt like I had to change who I was to...

STOP The Evil Texts

I am writing to you all about the unseemly texts and messages I have been receiving on the prayer line. I have been getting loads of cursing and swearing texts to the Weekly Wisdom inbox and these texts are sending me into confusion and fear. I believe they are the work of demonic forces that need to be silenced. The prayers need not to stop but these messages are doing more harm than good. I am getting lots of messages, but seems as though the messages I am getting are not coming in the form of genuine interest. There is too much negativity on these texts and I'm afraid of what is coming next. I am not just texting with your messages but also reporting them to authorities regularly due to spam concerns. Please be patient with your prayer requests and due to harassment at this time I will not be responding to texts. Please subscribe to Weekly Wisdom:

Don't be afraid to call the prayer line

It is important not to be ashamed of asking for prayer. Remember that there are people on the other end, who are more than eager to listen and pray with you. I have been in church where I have been in the back pew, but I would like someone else on my side. I'm a devoted believer. My prayer service is designed to strengthen your connection with God, increasing your faith in Him. This is what my prayer service is about: providing a prayer service for Christians all 

How I Recovered From Lesbianism

When I was a lesbian, the Lord cured me. I was a lesbian for 10 years. Now I have been cured, since 1995. I loved my husband, but I only wanted to go to bed with ladies. I fought so hard to rid myself of wicked urges. I am now a good wife, but I was not always a good woman. I had a secret life. I had a secret life that my husband knew nothing about, he was only my boyfriend at the time. I would go out at night and find women to sleep with. It was the only way I could get any relief from the pressure of being married and having children. It was the only way I could get any relief from the pressure of being married and having children. I used to be a lesbian, doing wicked things like taking marijuana and going to music festivals. Buying birth control to "stop" my periods, so I could always sin. I was a free spirit, living life on the edge and "Rockin' Out". But then I met my husband and he changed my life. He's a good man, with a good job and he's always t...

If Jesus Was Aborted, A Poem

If Jesus was aborted, would we all be doomed? Would we all be doomed? Would we all be doomed? Would we be flawed and haunted by our ghosts Would we be suffocating in all these thoughts They call our wandering minds I hope we cherish all these moments because the other side is hell I hope we sleep with one eye open both eyes open always if you fall asleep this might not be your lullaby if our savior was aborted, things would not be nice so before you kill your angel, you better think twice  - By Laura

Drag Queens Are Not Queens At All

  Have you seen the new show called “Drag Race”? It has become a phenomenon. It is all about men in dresses and women congratulating them for it. I have seen some of the episodes and I just cannot believe what I am seeing. The drag queens are so ugly! They are all hideous ogres, and they make fun of men who refuse to wear a dress. In my opinion, God does not like drag queens. If you are Christian, please pray for me because I really worry about the future of this country if we cannot teach our children right from wrong. I don't know why my daughter is thinking of hanging out with those hideous, disgusting drag queens. They're just a bunch of pathetic, filthy men who only care about wearing as many dresses as possible. Not only are all these people hideous ogres, but even worse, they make fun of men who refuse to wear a dress. I can't believe that you would be in support of this type of degenerate behavior after all the good I did for you when we dated. In my opinion, God do...

Evil Voicemails on the Prayer Line

In the past week, I have been recieving harassing and evil voicemails from the wicked. I am horrified by the voicemails they have been sending to the prayer line. I don't know if they realize, but these voicemails are very evil and it has me scared to leave my home. I wish they would stop sending me these evil messages. I am horrified at your voice mails. I will pray for you.