
Showing posts from March, 2022

You Can't Make Me Be A Lesbian: Gay Peer Pressure

I am disgusted by the way this world has gone to the dogs! The wicked left is corrupting society, and I refuse to be a lesbian. I'm tired of being told to have sex with other women. My life is right, and I choose to live in that bubble. Healing from lesbianism was a grueling experience, and I don't want to go through that again. It's so dumb how liberals want to force me into being lesbian when I'm straight. Fake news media is destroying society! I just wanted to share my story with you and tell the world about how I had to heal from being a lesbian. I'm taking back America from the Left who has been trying to force me into a lifestyle of "LGBT" and "Diversity". It took years to heal from being a lesbian and partaking in the wicked life. If it wasn't for fake news media and the Conservative movement, I would have never found my way out of this sick world. Thanks to them, I am now living my life as a straight woman. It is scary to think that p...

Why I DON"T Use Facebook: Evil In Disguise

Social media is a danger to us because it gives access to the enemy.  Social media has become a vital part of everyday life for many people and organizations. It has evolved from a way of connecting with friends and family to being a powerful marketing tool and an effective way to communicate with customers, but it also comes with increased risk related to privacy, security, and distraction. Social media platforms are often described as "media" such as television, radio, magazines and newspapers because they offer content that can be read, watched or listened to in the same way. The social media platforms are free for everyone to use and there are no limitations on who can join them or what they can post on their profiles. The Best Alternative To Facebook The only "book" I need to put my "face" in is the Holy Bible. For more than two thousand years, people have turned to the Bible to find strength and direction. In a world where the written word has been r...

Free Weekly Wisdom

The Prayer Line now provides free weekly messages to people who need spiritual guidance. The messages are sent to the user's phone and can be read at any time. Users can now text the Prayer Line for free weekly wisdom messages. This will let them have permanent reminders of God in their lives. To subscribe, text "WISDOM" to 407-966-2330