
Showing posts from June, 2019

Five Tips For A Stronger Prayer

Prayer is a way to communicate with God. It is a conversation between the person and God. Prayer can be done in many different ways. Some people pray by themselves, some people pray with others, and some people pray together in groups. Prayer can be done in many different ways. Some people pray by themselves, some people pray with others, and some people pray together in groups. 1. Pray for the person you are praying for. 2. Pray with the person you are praying for. (Or pray with me, high quality prayer for a low price!) 3. Pray in a group setting with others who are also praying for the same thing, or pray in a group setting with others who are also praying to the same God. 4. Pray when you need something and pray when you want something from God, but don't forget to thank Him as well! 5. Remember that prayer is not just about asking for things from God, it's about listening to what He wants from us too!